Source code for shapelink.util

"""Utility functions

These functions replicate QDataStreams behavior in C++.
In PySide2 QDataStream does not accept array type data.

In C++ an array is serialized by writing:
1) Uint32 number of elements
2) type array elements

more significant bytes are written first. (big-endian)

if numpy "to_bytes" is used the native little-endian
format appears
import numpy as np
from PySide2 import QtCore

[docs]def qstream_write_array(stream: QtCore.QDataStream, array: np.array) -> int: """ Write array data to a stream with a specified type :param stream: :param array: :return: """ # Write array data as: # Uint32 : number of elements # ntimes dtype : data if array.dtype == np.int16: stream.writeUInt32(len(array)) for e in array: stream.writeInt16(e) elif array.dtype == np.float64: stream.writeUInt32(len(array)) for e in array: stream.writeFloat(e) elif array.dtype == np.uint8: stream.writeUInt32(len(array)) for e in array: stream.writeUInt8(e) else: return 0 # return n written elements return len(array)
[docs]def qstream_read_array(stream: QtCore.QDataStream, datatype: np.dtype) -> np.array: """Read array data from a stream with a specified type""" ll = stream.readUInt32() out = np.zeros(ll, dtype=datatype) # Read array data from a stream if out.dtype == np.int16: for ii in range(ll): out[ii] = stream.readInt16() elif datatype == np.float64: for ii in range(ll): out[ii] = stream.readFloat() elif datatype == np.uint8: for ii in range(ll): out[ii] = stream.readUInt8() else: print("Unsupported datatype", datatype) return out
if __name__ == '__main__': # prepare message in byte stream msg = QtCore.QByteArray() msg_stream = QtCore.QDataStream(msg, QtCore.QIODevice.ReadWrite) qstream_write_array(msg_stream, np.array( [1, 2, 3, 5.23, 6], dtype=np.int16)) qstream_write_array(msg_stream, np.array( [1.1, 3, 4.234, .2342, 42.23, 234.34, 23.33, .22], dtype=np.float64)) qstream_write_array(msg_stream, np.array( [3, 4, 5, 6, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 98], dtype=np.uint8)) print("After write") print(msg) print("Recover message") msg_stream.device().reset() print(qstream_read_array(msg_stream, np.int16)) print(qstream_read_array(msg_stream, np.float64)) print(qstream_read_array(msg_stream, np.uint8))